Metal scraping

Metal scrap press-shearing, baling with mobile equipment

We delivering to clien‘s place mobile press-shear and cutting oversized material to necessary size.

At the moment using 2 mobile shears Reflex 650 and LEFORT 600. Pre-compression box length 6 meters, cutting forces 650 and 600 tons.

Gas cutting of metal

Dismantling of unused cars.

Professional operators, using specialized equipment, separate the most valuable ELV (End-of-Life Vehicle) parts in just a few minutes. Copper cables, aluminum radiators, and engines.

Our skilled gas cutting team excels in carrying out demolition and dismantling tasks using our advanced equipment.

We produce oxygen-cutting lances for cutting metal of any thickness or alloy. This exclusive technology, using only oxygen and a special lance, cuts almost anything and is used in different industries. Our oxygen-cutting lances are not only used by recyclers but also by one of the largest insulating materials manufacturers PAROC in Finland, Sweden, Poland, and Lithuania

Oxygen cutting lances production and supply

Professional consultations

Professional consultations for choosing the right recycling equipment – press, press-shear, shredder, Installation, repair, maintenance